Plan B Games PBG40010EN Century: Golem Edition

  • Discover the enchanting beauty of the golem trade road and it's mesmerizing crystals!
  • Wrap your mind around simple and pure game mechanics combined with a touch of hand-building system that lead to endless strategies and decisions.
  • Ages 8+
  • 2 to 5 Players
  • 30 to 45 Minute Playing Time


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Plan B Games PBG40010EN Century: Golem Edition

Product details

Century: Golem Edition is a re-themed version of Century: Spice Road set in the world of Caravania. In Century: Golem Edition, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world. Each turn, players perform one of four actions: Establish a trade route (by taking a market card) Make a trade or harvest crystals (by playing a card from hand) Fulfill a demand (by meeting a victory point card's requirements and claiming it) Rest (by taking back into your hand all of the cards you've played) The last round is triggered once a player has claimed their fifth victory point card, then whoever has the most victory points wins.

Technical details

7 x 19 x 27cm

Plan B Games PBG40010EN Century: Golem Edition


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