Fast Forward Card Game: #3 Flee


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Fast Forward Card Game: #3 Flee

Product details

Flee is the third game in the Fast Forward card game, an original
series where regulation is not necessary to play, you will find the rules
to do what you will need on the different cards as the match continues. The
General play mechanics is the game of successful fruit fairy
(Fabled Fruit in the original language) and in particular Flee you must collaborate
with your friends to escape a monster that is chasing you.
Although the order of the playing cards is the same at each match, you
multiple attempts will be required to undermine all the content in this
Revolutionary card game
Fast Forwars: Flee is a board game of cards from Stronghold Games.

Technical details

Stronghold Games
4 x 13 x 13cm

Fast Forward Card Game: #3 Flee


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