Drumond Park Rapidough

  • The game of modeling charades
  • Be the first team to guess what is being modelled by a team-mate before another team guess and steal your dough
  • Team mates take it in turn to be the modller
  • 300 Challenge Cards
  • Played in teams


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Drumond Park Rapidough

Product details

Rapidough is the original game of modelling charades. There's never a dull moment as everyone plays at once - every round! Players take turns at modelling the card entries for their team mates. The first team to guess what THEIR sculptor is creating wins that round. But there's a sting in the tail - the losing team loses a plunger of dough. If the opposition loses a few rounds they can find themselves attempting to sculpt, 'The Eiffel Tower' with a pea sized piece of dough... the results are hilarious.

Technical details

8 x 23 x 32cm

Drumond Park Rapidough


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